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Pax Vobiscum Acupictors!
A warm welcome to all stitchers and lovers of Medieval Goldwork Embroidery! The Acupictrix, alias Dr Jessica Grimm, is a renowned expert in Medieval Goldwork Embroidery who writes a weekly blog on the subject. Attend her in-person or online embroidery courses to stitch designs inspired by original textile pieces from all over Europe that were made between 500 and 1000 years ago. Great care has been taken to source period-appropriate materials and techniques.
Dive into the Middle Ages one stitch at a time!
Latest Blog Posts – Hands-On Research into Medieval Goldwork Embroidery
The Acupictrix can usually be found in one of three places: 1) Behind her slate frame working on the latest embroidery sample, 2) with her nose in an embroidery book, or 3) visiting medieval textiles on display and leaving her nose prints on the glass of the display case (sorry!). All three activities result in a fresh weekly blog post on Medieval Goldwork Embroidery and related topics.
Learn Medieval Goldwork Embroidery from the Acupictrix
Throughout the year, I offer various embroidery courses and workshops on location. Want to learn from the comfort of your home and at your own pace? No problem! Self-paced online embroidery courses are available from the shop.
Get to know the Acupictrix – Dr Jessica Grimm and her Medieval Goldwork Embroidery
Like many of you, my embroidery adventure started at a young age. No one quite remembers when or who taught me, but both my paternal grandmother and my maternal grandfather were avid embroiderers. Unaware that one could carve out a career in embroidery, I opted to go to university and study archaeology. Eventually, my archaeology career brought me to England, and I became a Royal School of Needlework tutor. And the rest is history, as they say. Medieval history, that is :).
“How can I learn Medieval Goldwork Embroidery?”
Clicking the button below will answer all your questions about learning Medieval Goldwork Embroidery, following an online class, buying embroidery materials, my credentials, or how to contact me.